Swale Lions Club, The Appleyard, Ave of Remembrance, Sittingbourne ME10 4DE
01795 34 22 11

Lions History in Videos

We Serve

Below you can find videos showing the history of Lions Clubs International. 

These videos have been produced as part of our 100 years of Lions celebration that began in 2017.

The first video is all about the founding of Lions Clubs International.

The second video you learn about learn about Melvin Jones and his commitment to the success of Lions Clubs International.

Watch the third Lions Centennial video for historical images that show how Lions became Knights of the Blind – serving the blind and visually impaired for the past 100 years.

The fourth video allows you to learn how Lions Clubs International has become the world’s largest service club organization through 100 years of service and impact.

The fifth video is all about Peace and International Understanding, which shows how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations.

The sixth in our series of centennial videos, Lions and LCIF –Humanitarian Service Around the World.